

L.U.S. is an association directed to people with open minds and who are disposed to know facts and get information about the Universe that exceed the conventional ones. During years, the universal Truths were diffused through conversations, conferences and free courses. Everything began by the end of 1983, here in Argentina.
As these are not common subjects, they arouse the interest of hundreds of people like us looking for answers beyond those answers found through many ways and religions; but those never satisfied us. Where did these answers come from? Through direct contacts with Cosmic Beings (not with us). At the end of each meeting, after receiving a torrent of Revelations accompanied by diagrams and pretty details never before imagined by anyone of us, the commentaries were effusive and gratifying. All the questions were allowed to be asked, and all those who came to investigate and inquire satiated their thirst of knowledge. Thus, spontaneously, a small group started to meet together. And with the passing of time, the group grew and formed a Non lucrative Civil association to comply with the legislation of the country. At that time, the person in charge of the conferences was Ms.Valentina de Andrade´s husband. Then, when he had to retire for personal reasons, Ms de Andrade -who had always accompanied him- accepted our invitation to assume that place and continue the teachings so as not to leave the people who had shown anxiety to enrich their consciousness adrift, and nourishing them with the
High Universal Knowledge.
After some months, the curiosity -and even the desire to scoff at- started to diminish or was estinguished, and some of the people took different ways to ours.Step by step, the formality between teacher and students led to a great loyal lasting and always respectful friendship that still lasts today.We are middle class workers and with limitted economic resources. Our meetings are not secret. We do not have dogmas or rites. We are free thinkers, and we are absolutely differentiated from what is known as a sect.Our requirements are: Dignity, union, communication, respect, understanding, and to be in peace with our consciousness. We profess the feeling of love, sometimes mistaken for fanaticism by some people.
As not allowed are: The use of drugs, violence, prostitution, betrayal of trust, obscene words, preconceptions and similar things.Entertainments: Football, volleyball, paddle, card games, classic and modern dances, songs, strolls, theater, skating and much much joy and brotherhood.
Meetings: We rent a modest club, being the expenses shared by all of us according to each one´s possibilities.
This we are: L.U.S. Non Lucrative Civil Association.

Our eternal thanks to Ms Valentina de Andrade because she did not keep for herself the Universal Knowledge, and offering us her Love.
Our gratitude is also extensive to those Beings that Work on behalf of THE LIGHT.


May 27th , 1981

By means of Direct Contacts, Ms.Valentina received the High Universal Knowledge that constitutes the Answers to the laments, desperation and cries asking: Why…! for which the human beings debate.
She keeps recorded in hundreds of tapes, the contacts that took place with those Beings that have been typed afterwards.She has attended calls to give conferences and chats, without charging for this, or receiving nothing.
She is the author of the books "Deus, a grande farsa (God, the great farse)" and "La Verdad sobre Dios (The True about god)", in which she also writes part of her biography.
Ms. Valentina is the owner of a faultless conduct and education example. She keeps awake in order to make other people happy, waiting as only retribution irreproachable conduct.

She gave up her own happiness, continually searching for Energies (spirits) with the possibility to Return Victorious to the Light Beings that gave Life to them. She says that she does not Save anyone. Everyone decides and will do it by their own means.


Formation of Primary Individualities (Primary and Superior). Celestial Mechanics with minute graphics. Radial Systems, Parallel Universes. Universal Security, cosmic Pyramids, the Big Bang. Centers that generate Energies. Energetic shields, universal Corridors, Robots, Triplice Energies (Jesus), Tertiary, Vectors and supernovas creation. Evolutive beginning of Galaxies. Galactic Memories and other complexities. Planets, star Systems (this owned two suns), Primary, plasmatic Energy (atmosphere), Prisms and prismatic Nets.
The Big Denier of the LIGHT-LOVE-TRUTH, Violator of the Universal Laws and contaminant of Individualities that decided to pact. Planner of the Programmings (Destiny) of humanity, languages, races and others.
Birth (moment when the Energy takes the matter). Life afther death. Apparent death and the so named luminous tunnels. Aliens: Cautions to be taken. Spiritualism, with real and false incorporations. Psicographed messages, wich are believed to belong to dear relatives. Ogans donation and causes of rejections. Abnormalities. Comatose states and reasons why afther coming round, no experience memories are remembered. Premonitions. Energetic Experiences while sleeping. Highly gifted people, beneficial and harmful Trianglations, Power from the Energies in the three-dimensional field. Déjà vu. “Phenomenons”: Dead people seen in photos and different places. Vanishing of objets, haunted houses, miracles, materializations in the field of the spiritual cures and much more.

Reason that join us
The conviction of the Truths, secure vehicle to be able to Reach Our Origins: The Light.